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Resources — Chapter 10 - Lasting Change

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The Book

How you can learn to get healthy, find balance and live better in the crazy, busy, modern world.


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Understand the remarkable link between your mind, body and health.

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In Conversation with Peter Gollwitzer PhD Audio Icon

So, I have a confession to make. Lately, I have not been exercising consistently. And as you know, I’m a health journalist and I extensively research and write about the latest science proving there’s a connection between our mind, body and health, I’ve even written an entire chapter in my book... Read full article »

Recommended Apps

Below is a list of apps I have used and recommend.  Meditation Headpsace Calm Smiling Mind Emotions Tracking coming soon Fitness coming soon Habit Forming coming soon Read full article »

Reading List - Chapter 10: Lasting Change

The Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the landmark Eight-Decade Study, Friedman and Martin For years we have been told to obsessively monitor when we're angry, what we eat, how much we worry, and how often we go to the gym. So why isn't everyone healthy?... Read full article »


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